Sunday, March 28, 2010

I Feel Like There Is A Light At The End Of The Tunnel

I'm feeling much better. I allowed myself a few days to be completely and utterly miserable and now I'm ready to start this process all over again. We are actually going to take April and May off from any IVF treatments to just allow myself and my hormones to get back to normal. We will be trying on our own and who knows weirder things have happened right?

Also, another reason for the break is because we have a wedding coming up at the end of April and also Dan's birthday is in April so we will be going to Atlantic City with our friends for a few days. If we did any sort of IVF stuff we would have to work around that and to be honest I'm crazy happy I'm going to have almost two whole months without needles or any drugs.

I know that IVF will work for us, unfortunately it's just taking a little longer than expected but don't good things come to those who wait?

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