Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What The Fuck Appointment

I have one next Tuesday. Basically you go in and just talk about your last cycle and what your next plan of action is. At this point I'm so bitter that I just don't care what my doctor has to say. It makes me nervous because we only are allowed four IVFs for our lifetime and well we are already working on #3. Dan and I have talked about adopting and we are open to it but it's crazy expensive. Costs are around 25-30k, not something we have hanging out in our bank account. I guess we will cross that bridge when we get to it.

1 comment:

Megan said...

**HUGS** I'm so sorry, D. I've been praying so hard for you and I just don't know what to say to help or comfort you. You know I'm here for you and I'm sorry if something I said last week (I know what it was, just not going to re-say it) hurt your feelings. You know I don't mean it at all. Anything I can think of saying here, ALL of it isn't something to say to you. Love you, D. Text me if you need to talk at all. EVER.

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