Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Holy shit I have a new blog

Welcome welcome welcome.

I figure I would start a new blog since I'm about to start the craziest journey of my life. The hubs and I are starting IVF coming in February. I gotta admit I didn't think I'd ever be here. I didn't think I'd be "one of those" you know what I'm talking about. The bitter, cynical, jealous bitch that infertility has lead me to be. I'd always thought I'd get knocked up the first few months but nope. Six failed IUI'S (intrauterine insemination) later and we are headed down the IVF fast lane.

I met with my IVF coordinator about a week ago and set a plan in motion. Come January I get to call my RE or Reproductive Endocrinologist to set up an appointment to come in get some blood work, ultrasound and get pumped full of drugs. If this doesn't sound like a fun filled month I don't know what does. It's really hard to be optimistic after so much time as gone by with the same result but until then, I'm going to enjoy the holidays with my loved ones, have some laughs, have some drinks and wait for February to come around.

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