If I ruled everything all politicians would be required to participate in a once a year televised karaoke night. Not only do they need to loosen the fuck up (in a non hire a hooker way) they also need to learn some humiliation. And I think it would be funny
If I ruled everything, I'd designate my own driving lane, and anyone who gets caught using it will get a fat fucking fine that I will selfishly keep and spend on myself, my friends, family and other people I deem worthy of free money.
If I ruled everything rich people would have to pay more taxes, not less. No big tax breaks for the rich. Those people need to start sharing the wealth. Besides most of them don't actually do any real work. Their workers do all of the bullshit work and they get all the cash. In fact all big boss people should have to spend at least one full week per month doing the job of one of their employees.
If I ruled everything all children under the age of 13 would be required to spend a certain amount of time skipping rope, double dutch, play freeze tag or anything for that matter. As long as it is some sort of playing that does not involve any technology.
If I ruled everything everyone surrounding me should have to learn to be semi-organized. I hate dysfunction due to disorganization.
If I ruled everything pot would be legal. Which being a drug that is less harmful then lets say crack it should be legal anyway. Besides, we would have less minor criminals, more enforcement agents to focus on real drugs. If the government cornered the market on the production and sale of marijuana (like cigarettes) the country would have a massive income source. We would save money from no longer pursuing minor pot dealers and growers, save resources in our law enforcement agencies, and make money. Plus, think of all the good it would do in medicine.
If I ruled everything all the teachers and daycare workers would get paid more. Hello, they help teach and raise our children. They should get fucking paid more. Seeing in how they do the job many parents are failing to do anyway.
But sadly, I do not rule everything
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago
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